
Did I do a good job?

Your feedback is important to me. Leave a testimonial and receive 10% off of your next order.

Name *

Surname *

Email *

Institution name *

Country *

How did you hear about me?
Internet searchGoogle advertisementSocial media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)ColleagueOther

Was the website sufficiently clear and informative?
Not informative --- --- Very informative

How easy was the submission process?
Difficult --- --- Easy

How easy was the checkout process?
Difficult --- --- Easy

How happy were you with my work?
Not happy --- --- Very happy

How could I improve my service?


Please write a few words about your experience with The Smart Octopus in the comments section below.

Comments *

Permission *
I grant permission to The Smart Octopus to reproduce my testimonial (in whole or in part), surname, institution and country of origin on the The Smart Octopus website or in other promotional media.